Thursday, 27 November 2008

Thinking of next year

When you recover from getting results in and realise that next year is not far away, ( frightening thought) , if you are thinking of adding E-Learning to any of your units here are a few ideas which can be added as links to Blackboard sections.

Wiki using PB Wiki 
Blog using WordPress ( or Blogger (like this one)
Ning Page  a cross between Facebook and an LMS( Learning Management system) where you can add discussion groups videos and slide shows. (
Google docs available to any registered user of google where you can share documents including spreedsheets and word.
Elluminate A real time virtual classroom which allows you to share desktops and applications on your computer with students and vice versa.
Moodle An alternative to Blackboard which is being evaluated next year. Apply to use with LEWS.
Photostory. Create videos from you photos with voice over.
Podcast. Voice Record you lectures
Tokbox. Send video emails ( Cameras can be borrowed from IPOL.

If you want to know how any of these can help you students or how to use these please don't hesitate to contact me on 9155  or

Thanks for all the support


Monday, 24 November 2008

Getting to the pbwiki site

Thank you for coming in to the wiki walk last Wednesday, and a special thanks to Deirdre for organising the pbwiki site for us to play with. Meg, Blake, John, Jane and Moi have been assigned account numbers to play with the pbwiki set up by Deirdre.

John created pages in Japanese, Blake was busy embedding You Tube videos and slides on his page, Jane and I collboarted in real-time on a philosophy glossary (as you do) and Meg had a joyous time defacing wikipedia.

There are still another 5 account spaces available if other people would like to have a go. Please email me your interest and I'll pass on the login details to you. Alternatively, set up your own at pbwiki.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Thanks for coming to the wikiwalk

Thanks very much for coming to the wikiwalk.

Please don't hesitate to contact me (9155) if you want any help setting up or using PB wiki in class or any help using or adding to Wikipedia.

I expect to see Lots of information about BSSH ion the University of Ballarat Wikipedia site form now on :) :)


Monday, 17 November 2008

Converting video file formats

Does anyone know what program is good for converting video files to other formats? I have some DVDs I've recorded from TV and want to convert the files to a format that I can edit on computer, in order to make video clips available to students online (e.g. at Blackboard or via the UB website).


Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Wiki Walk

What the: The BSSH Wiki Walk
Huh: Wednesday 19th November
Groan: F302 (PC lab)
Smeg: 9:30-10:30 AM

Whatever: This is an opportunity to get some hands-on play time with this thing called wiki. Together with Deirdre Wilmott from IPOL, we can have a go at destroying/enhancing/marvelling or ridiculing Wikipedia before turning to see how this new fangdangled thing (the technology not Wikipedia) might be applicable to teaching or researching in our School.

Here's a clip on Wikis in Plain English. Once you get past the annoying camping analogy you'll get a sense of what a wiki is good for (No. Not that). Group work, vocabulary building and the ability to track the progression and development of ideas come to mind.

Friday, 31 October 2008

HI folks, and particularly the famous five... I well remember the books from my childhood, and hope to hear some great 'e-adventures'.
congrats on starting the blog. I must admit to being a blog beginner, but well done Marnie.

Thanks for inviting me Marnie

Thanks for inviting me to join the blog. I hope a few people will be come to the wiki walk. I promise I won't push the technologyl e-learning will save the world line. Because I don't believe that :) :).

I do think there are technology things that can make life easier for staff and students. If you want a chance to 'play' with PB wiki and make even add a line to wikipedia ( is there something you've always wanted to add or fix) please come along. I am looking forward to seeing you.

And thank you "famous five" for your interest.


Thursday, 30 October 2008

Famous Five work IPOL rep at mini-me School Forum

Yesterday was the unofficial mini School forum (from Jeremy's email) in which the School got to meet and discuss ideas with the new IPOL eLearning developer Deirdre Wilmott. Dierdre will be able to meet with each School for a half day per week next year. The Famous Five (Jeremy, Lesley, Jane, Kate & myself) - a small but determined BSSH presence - decided to take gross advantage of IPOL and work Deirdre to the bone.

In two weeks we're going to organise a Wiki Walk-through in which Deirdre will give a hands-on session with wikis and their possible application to our specific disciplines, teaching and research interests. The Famous Five thought that a group session in which we get to try things out would be more beneficial and motivational than having a talk-though in which abstract and annoying eLearning things and technical jargon buzz about. I'll post the gory details of the when and where in a few days time.

A blog for BSSH

Hmm, I think we all have quite a bit to say but don't always get the chance to be in the same space at the same time to talk with each other and exchange ideas and experiences. So here we go. Welcome to the BSSH Bloggers site. I suggest we open up this space for discussing ideas, suggesting tools or apps we've used or would like to use, and generaly talk about how technology could be used to supplement our teaching and research practices as it relates specifically to the behavioural, social sciences and humanities.

I don't think this should be a gung-ho technical webspace. If there's a simpler way to say something or demonstrate the application of something in a specific teaching, research or admin context, we should aim for that kind of accessibility. In light of this, if you'd like to know a little more about blogs, here's a short video: