Thursday, 30 October 2008

A blog for BSSH

Hmm, I think we all have quite a bit to say but don't always get the chance to be in the same space at the same time to talk with each other and exchange ideas and experiences. So here we go. Welcome to the BSSH Bloggers site. I suggest we open up this space for discussing ideas, suggesting tools or apps we've used or would like to use, and generaly talk about how technology could be used to supplement our teaching and research practices as it relates specifically to the behavioural, social sciences and humanities.

I don't think this should be a gung-ho technical webspace. If there's a simpler way to say something or demonstrate the application of something in a specific teaching, research or admin context, we should aim for that kind of accessibility. In light of this, if you'd like to know a little more about blogs, here's a short video:

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