Routledge are delighted to invite you to the second in our series of lectures in Second Life. Dr Aylish Wood will be talking about her book "Digital Encounters" in the Routledge lecture hall in Second Life on Friday the 15th of May at 2.45pm GMT / 9.45 am EST. Dr Wood will be talking about some of the themes in Digital Encounters, a cross media study of digital moving images in animation, cinema, games, and installation art. Questions are very welcome after the presentation.
If you already have an avatar in Second Life, just teleport to Mawdryn 222, 122, 24. If you aren't in Second Life, don't worry - it's easy to get started. Just visit https://join.secondlife.com/ Access is free, and there is a full tutorial to help you get started. Once you are confident, just click "Map", then enter the coordinates 222,122,24 in the boxes on the bottom right hand side. Then just hit the "teleport" button to take you to the Routledge lecture hall - don't forget to grab your Routledge T-Shirt on the way in.
My thanks to Lesley for putting me on to this, and apologies for the lateness of this posting.
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